
Wallet Hunter


WalletHunter's website at was created by me during my internship at WalletHunter.

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background

WalletHunter is a web3 solutions platform developed during my internship at WalletHunter, a startup that took part in ETH Dubai. My role involved utilizing React, Tailwind CSS, and the Google Sheets API to craft a user-friendly interface for efficient digital asset management. This project highlights my ability to create practical web2 solutions tailored for a web3 environment, providing a seamless experience for users navigating their digital wallets.

Alongside the website, I also worked on a Social Automated Posting Tool designed to optimize social media management as one of their products. This tool integrates with various platforms to automate content posting, improving efficiency and consistency. These projects reflect my proficiency in web development, showcasing my capability to deliver innovative and functional solutions while adapting to the fast-paced demands of a startup setting.